Life Above the Mat- Chinese Laundry Part 2


My name is Cat,
And I live above the Laundry-O-Mat,
At the Suds and Duds.

In the beginning there I was,
With the smallest hope,
Of friends losing their will,
Among the strongest rivals around them,
Threatening them to extinction.

Gathering my strength
To make a strike of Justice
Against evil Chinese Virgin
Laundromat Lady, but she ain’t lady
And to show them all,
That small as I may be,
I would not go quietly,
Into lost obscurity.

My dream inspired many,
Who heard my cry to the world,
Never been a hero or someone’s
I’m just a dreamer wannabe,
That’s all.

For those who supported the dream
I am preventing the enemy from winning,
This time, so spur me on,
or Justice prevails,
Ever to become greater,
For that I can show Chuck,
I am the worthiest of his love,
For all of time.

Tell Chuck, I found his wallet,
And I got it back; And that’s all I know,
About that.

2 thoughts on “Life Above the Mat- Chinese Laundry Part 2

    • Hahaha. That would great to pitch a story it a producer. I would sure do it if I knew one.Thank you. I had to think about if for a long time and finding art to go with. Based on a funny story I heard today. But still Inspired just to dress it up not too seriously it was fun. Cat has to have purpose. Always something in it for her.


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