Life Above The Mat – red roses

Life above the Laundry-O-Mat
At the Suds and Duds,
It can be interesting,
Occasionally enough.

I live above the Mat,
But not for long, I hope.

I met my boyfriend, Jim Bob there
Said he needed to do a load,
And so I chatted back,
He washed with me at the mat.

It’s been a year now
Still going stronger than ever,
Hoping for more of him, maybe,
Because he keeps emailing back,
He sext me good too.

He gave me a dozen red roses today
And I said, “What do you think I am,”
Do you want to get some in return,
I said; Or something like that?

So I told him, at the Laundry- o-mat,
“Hey Jim Bob, “Don’t come here,
Looking for none of that.” I said.

“Check out the lost and found,
If your missing something,
You might just find it there,
It’s where we met, remember.

When I told him that, he laughed,
Now we still do a load together,
Every Thursday night right here,
My girlfriends are so jealous.

How about it , it’s the first time,
I’d seen anything like that,
But he makes me happy,
And that’s all I know about that.

Life above the Laundry-O-Mat
It ain’t so bad, it’s my birthday,
He gave me roses, and I gave him,
Some of that, if you know what I mean.

10 thoughts on “Life Above The Mat – red roses

    • Thank you. Its loads of fun. Roses are exquisite and its the meaning of them, desire the intent and that they only lead to paradise. Thank you for the Birthday Wishes! So Sweet


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